Do Not Be A Cargo Cult Flutter Developer
Cargo cult programming is the more polite version of copy-and-paste-code-monkey. And that would be fine in an immature market such as Mobile development in 2008 when touch-smart-phones showed up in the market.
But today, in a mature front-end app market and front-end developer market, it’s no longer the case where cargo cult programming can hope to snag a job or produce a quality flutter application.
The Flutter Expert Exam
You know what the Flutter Expert Exam is? Can you as developer, take a blank project and implement Test Driven Development, Acceptance Test Driven Development, Story Driven Development, and Behavior Driven Development in 4 hours or less including the flutter cross-platform themes and the dynamically delivering material widgets to non-Apple devices and cupertino widgets to Apple devices? And of course in that mix is also a state management solution and a dependency management solution.
Why? The easiest way for the TDD, ATDD, SDD, and BDD to stick is if you can do right away from project inception. Yes, we could develop a Flutter app organically and just wing it. But, that produces mistakes and then those mistakes are injected into some processes and bad habits grow from that broken way of app development.